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Everybody Wants To Be A Butterfly
By Michael Levine





Everybody wants to be a butterfly.

Everybody wants to be a butterfly.

Everybody wants to be one, under the sun.


Kitty cat,

Everybody wants to be a kitty cat.

Everybody wants to be a kitty cat.

Everybody wants to be one, under the sun.

Meow, meow, meow…



Sing-Along: Sing the song together and flap your arms like a butterfly. If you play the CD, you are limited to just “butterfly” and “kitty cat” plus another one during the musical interlude in the middle of the song. If you do it a cappella, you can take suggestions for different animals and make a corresponding movement for each animal.

Direction Dance:  Same as above while moving in a circle or around the house.  Here are some examples:

Elephant – Stomp feet with arm extending from your nose like a trunk; sing “stomp stomp”
Puppy Dog – wag your “tail” as you walk; sing “ruff ruff”
Kitty Cat – slowly prowl with your hand-paws; sing “meow meow”
Flying Bird – flap wings; sing “tweet tweet” or “chirp chirp”
Crocodile or Alligator – chomp jaws with your whole arms; sing “snap snap”

Slow motion/ Speed up: Sing the song a cappella as indicated above, swapping out different animals and animal sounds, but this time, do a verse in slow motion dragging it out very slowly and then get faster and faster and faster as you super-speed it up!


Listen to the music: Put on the CD while you do chores around the house or to listen and enjoy.


Coloring Page & Sheet Music

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