This Little Light Of Mine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine (3x)
Let it shine (3x).
Deep down in my heart, I’m gonna let it shine (3x)
Let it shine (3x).
All around the world, I’m gonna let it shine (3x)
Let it shine (3x).
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine (3x)
Let it shine (3x).
Egg Shakers: Shake your egg shakers and sing the first verse. For “deep down in my heart,” shake your eggs over your heart. For “All around the world,” shake your eggs overhead in a circle.
Sing A Cappella: With your egg shakers, try singing the song without the CD. Take suggestions for where to shake your eggs next, and shake your shakers there for that verse. (For example, way down in my toes, way up in my head, way down in my knees, etc.)
Sing Around the House: As you do daily activities, sing about them with this melody. For example, “When I wash my hands, I’m gonna let it shine,” and “when I dry my hands, I’m gonna let it shine.” “When I get dressed, I’m gonna let it shine,” etc.