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This Little Piggy
Traditional, lyrics adapted by Eric Litwin, Marian Sanderson and Michael Levine
This little piggy went to market
This little piggy went home
This little piggy had roast beef
And this little piggy had none
And this piggy went Oogedy, Boogedy,Boo all the way home
(wee, wee, wee all the way home)
Lap Song: Put your child on your lap as you sing. Touch each finger to accompany the little piggy (toes) and then tickle them for “oogedy, boogedy boo!”
Tickle Me: Every time you tickle your child, say, “oogedy, boogedy boo!” Even if you don’t sing the whole song, just do it any time the mood strikes you to tickle your child!
Dance: Play the song on the CD and make up some dance moves to the hip hop grooves!
Coloring Page & Sheet Music
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