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Itsy Bitsy Spider



The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. 

Down came the rain & washed the spider out. 

Out came the sun & dried up all the rain, 

And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.

(Then, the itsy bitsy spider grew up into a big, fuzzy spider!)

The big fuzzy spider went up the water spout. 

Down came the rain & washed the spider out. 

Out came the sun & dried up all the rain, 

And the big fuzzy spider went up the spout again.

(Then, the big, fuzzy spider had a baby eentsy weentsy spider!)

The eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout. 

Down came the rain & washed the spider out. 

Out came the sun & dried up all the rain, 

And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.


Finger Play & Large Body Movements: For the first line move your fingers like a spider going up – connect your index finger to the other hand’s thumb and vice versa. Then take the bottom finger and thumb apart and re-connect them above the other finger and thumb. Repeat as if going up a spout. 

Then sprinkle your fingers down like rain washing the spider out. Then hold your arms in a circle above your head like the sun. Then repeat the movement for the first line during the fourth line. 

For the big, fuzzy spider, move your whole arms (vs. fingers) and speak in deep, funny voice. This is a good contrast for your child to distinguish large body movements from small body movements. Then you can add an “eentsy weentsy spider” as a third verse, moving your fingers in even smaller movements and speaking in high, falsetto, cartoon voice.

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